Books And Stethoscopes Donation

CoMSAA Book and Stethoscope Donation Program

This programme, initiated in 2014, aimed to provide books and stethoscopes upon request, to the students who are already registered for the Financial Assistance Scheme of the Faculty of Medicine. The initial donation for this project was from Dr. Mrs SujathaMaligaspe-Lena residing in Canada who donated a sum of 5000 Canadian Dollars for this purpose. Twenty nine students were provided with stethoscopes and textbooks of their choice in 2014.  The AL/2009 generously donated their savings from the Ninnada 2014 musical concert to this fund.

In 2015, 18  stethoscopes,12  Kumar and Clark Clinical Medicine books, 11 Short Practice of Surgery by Bailey and Love books, 2  Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease and 1 Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics were donated to the medical students of our Faculty.

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